A Letter From Our President
Greetings fellow hunters and SCI members!
Time is flying by and hopefully you’ve been able to get out and enjoy some fishing, camping, hiking and biking this summer. The Washington state draws have concluded and maybe you’re one of the lucky ones who drew that big bull tag, or maybe even that once-in-a-lifetime sheep or goat tag. If so, good luck…tag a big one for your trophy room!
Randy Bauman
As I write this, the weather is getting hot and our annual member’s meeting and some good fun at Sun Valley Shooting Park is fast approaching. At this meeting our chapter election will be finalized and someone new will be taking on the presidency of the Central Washington Chapter. I’ve had the honor of serving on the board and as president for over four years – it’s time to pass the torch and let someone else lead this group.
As I look back I realize that my time in SCI has not just been about hunting and the outdoors. It’s been about people and experiences. My time as president has allowed me to meet and spend time with great folks like Jim Shockey, J Alain Smith, and Craig Boddington. I’ve been to Jackson Hole to the AWLS Ranch for chapter leadership training with my friend Allen and Doug & Deb Barret. I’ve seen some beautiful homes and trophy rooms – thank you Lockbeams, Barretts, Christensens, Tim Vining, and Alain Smith!
I’ve also been to the Annual Convention in both Reno and Las Vegas and seen the sights, talked with the vendors and participated in the auctions and seminars. And, while not as well-traveled as many of you, I have made the trip to S Africa twice and chased hounds after mountain lions in N Idaho. Both of those are trips I never would have imagined before my involvement with SCI.
So, as my final President’s Letter, I say thank you to all I have met and worked with. Thank you for your stories, encouragement, and guidance. Thank you for your dedication to preserving our hunting heritage and way life. I look forward to seeing you at future chapter functions, and maybe in the field or on the range!
The Conservation
Safari Club International and our chapter are committed to the conservation of wildlife and wildlife habitat and to educating the public about such matters. The Board of Directors of the Central Washington Chapter has recently unanimously voted to create a Conservation Committee and elect Board member Paul Johnson, a retired biologist, as its chairperson. The committee is charged to work with government agencies, other conservation organizations and sometimes on its own to uncover, plan and recruit our members to complete meaningful conservation projects in Central Washington. This is what SCI is all about – improving the habitat that we hunt, giving back for our future and that of our children to have more opportunities to hunt, fish and enjoy the great outdoors with which we are blessed.
To that end, the Conservation Committee is committed to communicating with our members as to the selection of projects and how our membership can participate. We plan to make these projects “hands on” and “family friendly” so parents have an opportunity to teach their children the value of natural habitats for wildlife. To that end, we are suggesting an expectation that each chapter member/family spend at least 8 hours per year working on our chapter’s conservation projects (just 1/730 of your waking hours). No, we won’t be keeping records of those who are shy of the 8 hours, but if we don’t set an expectation, it is doubtful that anyone will achieve it. And did we mention? We are working on a way to reward those individuals and families that lead the Chapter in hours spent on our projects. More to come on that in a future newsletter.
OK, it sounds good so far. What can I do as a Chapter member?
- If you are aware of a potential conservation project, let us know – contact info is listed below.
- When project dates are announced, invite both hunting and non-hunting friends and family to join in
the fun. It is extremely important that hunters be viewed as contributors to improved wildlife
habitat to the general public, especially when fewer and fewer voters are engaged in our outdoor
pursuits. - If you have contacts in the media, please let us know. Good press on our Chapter conservation
projects assists greatly with our mission to “educate the public.”
Does our Chapter have any on-going conservation projects? If so, what can I do to help?
- The Pronghorn Project is still active and the 2022 annual count has been completed. We promise
next year to communicate early for those that would like to participate. - Save Amon Creek is a new project. Amon Creek has been identified by the Washington
Department of Fish & Wildlife (WDF&W) as a salmon spawning stream, a source of cold water into
the Yakima and a “Wildlife Corridor” from the Horse Heaven Hills to the Yakima River. The City of
Richland wants to place an apartment complex right in this habitat when they have multiple sites
better suited to the complex. You can find a PowerPoint presentation describing the issue at our
Facebook page. Specific actions our membership can assist with range from an e-mail campaign to
eventual trail building. Stay tuned. - The Shrub-Steppe Habitat Initiative has just been announced by the WDF&W. It is truly a “shovel-
ready” project to restore our hunting grounds that have been devastated by wildfires and will allow for the return of deer, elk, quail and other species across Eastern Washington. More to come.
Contact your Conservation Committee
Paul Johnson
My Lynx by Keith Kellogg
Let’s kick off this adventure (November of 2021) at the start of day 9. I’d just finished a trip to the Dagestan Republic where too much went wrong and I didn’t get my Dagestan tur. Due to booking conflicts, I was asked if I could return and I agreed to come back. Well, so far fate is against me with that return trip. I couldn’t get a visa in time to return in 2021 and all trips to the Dagestan Republic go through Russia, and that’s not happening right now. I’ll leave it at that.
I had just finished an 11 hour overnight sleeper car train ride from Moscow to the Kirov Region of
Russia. I got off an hour before the city of Kirov, was picked up by my guide/translator and then had a drive of about 1 1⁄2 hours to get to the hunting camp. This is the same train route that led to the infamous gulag prison camps of Siberia during the oppressive Stalinist era. Thankfully I wasn’t in route to a gulag. My goal was a true wild Russian boar.
Camp and the concession is owned by a very rich Russian business man. He allegedly owns eleven concessions. I hunted two and they were nice. The camp was comfortable and the camp staff was friendly. We started out with some late breakfast. Pretty basic fare generally and all the food I ate was fine except for a dish they called “fish in a fur blanket”. This was a layered dish that included beets, potatoes, cabbage, pickled fish (maybe herring), and some other items. I guess this was a standard dish during the hard core Communist era where food was scarce. It didn’t fit my palate, but the experience was quite interesting.
Oh, did I mention alcohol? I’m not saying Russians have a drinking problem, but every meal, including breakfast and all snacks, included alcohol, mostly a homemade version of vodka. Everyone wanted to share their version, and there were plenty of versions. Whew!
After eating we got organized and went scouting for boar sign. In the process I had the opportunity to take two Capercailli. Capercailli are a highly desired bird species among worldwide bird hunters. I’m not much of bird hunter, but sniping one at 171 yards and another at 103 yards was big fun. Turns out taking these birds may have been a good idea, but more on that shortly. It had been raining, a lot, in the region and things were very wet. You can see in one of the attached photos that we had a vehicle that was well suited to the muddy conditions. What a tank of a vehicle.
We found sign and put out more corn, at the feeding station. Russian boar are hunted from elevated stands and strictly at night. You either use night vision or thermal optics to see the boars when if they come in. Then the guide turns on a flashlight, or if your gun is equipped with a night vision scope, you use that. Pretty standard stuff, if the boar cooperate. We went out about 1600, but more on that
People ask me periodically why I hunt. This next brief narrative will answer some of those questions. After the hunt and dinner I was asked if I wanted to sauna. There are no shower or bathing facilities so if you want to bathe you sauna. Hey, when in Russia! Room #1 was equipped with a table and chairs, and heated with a wood stove. It was very comfortable. Room #2 is a cleansing room to bathe and cool. Room #3 is the furnace room, complete with benches and the heat source. The highest temp I took notice of was 77 degrees C. I’m not a big heat person so every time they threw water on the rocks the steam would make my skin feel like it was going to peel. Have you ever seen a butcher scald a pig with boiling water?
We entered room #1, stripped naked, put on a wool hat (I had no idea why at the time, but was told later it was to protect your skull), and worked our way to room #3. It didn’t take long to be sweating big time. After a period of time we moved to room #2, poured cool water over ourselves, and then moved to #1. We sat at the table, drank beer, talked and laughed. I was amazed to see that the beer that we drank was Budweiser, or at least labeled as such. Capitalism is strong everywhere. Eventually we went back to #3, where we worked up another big sweat. Then out to a pond for a good cold water dunking. We returned to #3, then #2 and back to #1 for more beer and laughs.
There we were, 4 dudes sitting around naked, drinking beer, and just hanging out. There were no politics, no agendas and no egos. Just 4 guys totally exposed to each other and sharing a common theme: love of hunting. It doesn’t always take much to impact a person for life, and this bonded me forever with my Russian hosts/new friends.
I wonder what the impact would be if we could get Biden, Putin, Kim Jong-Un, and Xi Jinping to all bring a six pack of their favorite beer, strip naked and enter a sauna together. Now that’s an image.
While sitting on stand my guide had handed me a night vison monocular. I looked at the bait pile and could see 3 squatty animals. He said they were ? (Insert Russian word I didn’t understand). My translator later told me they called them Raccoon Dogs, but I have no idea exactly what they were. A very short time later my guide whispered to me “Lynx”. There’s a word I understood. I looked through the night vison, and could see a Lynx sneaking on the Raccoon Dogs. He said “shoot” so I got my rifle up and then told him ok. My guide clicked on his light and the Lynx squatted down. I had plenty of time and one shot later with my beloved Tikka I had a Lynx. I’ve hunted a lot of exotic creatures all over the world, but I’d never even seen a Lynx, until this moment.
I was later told that getting a Lynx is very difficult, much harder that a wolf, without the use of snow and tracking dogs. I don’t know about any of that, but this creature is beautiful. He was about 1.3 meters in length, which is about 50”. I guess that’s a big one, but to me it just plain cool. So my plan now is to do a mount with the two Capercailli and the Lynx. It should be amazing, except it’s in Russia and can’t be shipped because of all the current regulations. Remote Russia is eye opening. Younger generations have fled to the cities, and a better life. Generally now only an older generation lives in the remote villages, and the infrastructure surrounding the villages is crumbling. Life is tough for these people, but they hold fast to what they know. I’m thankful for what I have.
I never did get a boar at this camp or the next one, but it was a great trip, except for the portion in the Dagestan Republic and not getting a boar.
Annual Safari Club International Central Washington Chapter Membership Meeting and Fun Shoot
July 30, 2022 – Sun Valley Shooting Park
1452 Suntargets Road, Moxee WA
Bring the family and join us for our annual membership meeting this year at Sun Valley Shooting Park in Moxee. Enjoy a day of fun and sun that will include informal shooting for you and your family, visiting with other SCI members, and a light lunch. Best of all, your local Central Washington Chapter will be picking up the cost for you to shoot, which is normally $14 per day for adults and $7 per day for youth under 18. Come out and sight-in your rifles, spend some time on the pistol range, and let the entire family do a little shooting absolutely free of charge! Getting into the range for free can recover the entire cost of your annual chapter membership dues or maybe part of your annual SCI National dues in one day. If you decide to bring your shotgun for Skeet or Trap, then there is a $5 per round fee for the skeet/trap ranges, except Safari Club will pick up the first $5 fee for any shooter under 18 at the shotgun ranges. This gives you the chance to introduce your youth to shotgun sports for a discount. All shooters under 18 must be accompanied/supervised by an adult at all ranges. Please read below for an outline of the day’s activities.
The Sun Valley range opens at 8am so you can come out any time after 8 to sign-in and start shooting for free. All shooters must watch a short safety video before using the ranges. You can watch the video when you show up or watch it online in advance at the Sun Valley website. Just put Sun Valley Shooting Park into your online search engine and enjoy their fantastic website, which will have a link to their safety video at the top middle of the main web page. While you are there, scroll around their website to see what is offered at the range. If you have not been to the range for a while, or maybe never been there, you will be surprised at what is offered and the improvements to the facility.
From 8am to 10am there will be just informal visiting, signing-in, setting up, etc. We have the top floor of the main building reserved so you can either go to the ranges or hang out and visit in the meeting area above the main office. At 10am, we plan to have a friendly voluntary shotgun competition at the skeet or trap range, with a $10 entry fee for the competition, with a chance to win $100 for the top shooter and $25 each for the silver and bronze 2nd & 3rd places. At noon we will start a BOD meeting at the Clubhouse meeting room, followed by a general meeting at about 12:30 for announcements of election results and a recap of SCI activities for the year. We will start lunch immediately after the general meeting, so around 1 – 2pm. The plan is for pulled pork sandwiches, coleslaw, chips, and drinks. We will provide the food and some drinks, but bring your own drinks if you have special needs. No alcohol is allowed at the range. After lunch ends at 2, you can head down the road or stick around to do some more shooting if your ammo supply isn’t exhausted by then. The formal program is over after lunch but the range stays open until 8pm. We will run a 50-50 raffle during the event as well as sell raffle tickets on a superb Vortex 1000 yard rangefinder which will be given away at lunchtime.
KaLora’s Recipe Corner – Wild Rice Soup with Bacon
- 6 strips thick sliced bacon, diced
- 2/3 cup wild rice, rinsed
- 1/2 cup onion, chopped
- 1/2 carrots, diced
- 1/2 cup celery, finely cut
- 4 cups chick broth
- 1 1/2 cups heavy cream
- 1 tbsp melted butter
- 1 tbsp flour
- salt & pepper to taste
- 2 tbsp fresh parsley
- In soup kettle, fry bacon and drain. Reserve 2 tbsp of fat.
- Saute rice, onion, carrots, and celery in bacon fat for 5 minutes.
- Return bacon to kettle and stir in chicken stock. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently.
- Reduce heat, cover and simmer 45 minutes or until rice is tender.
- Add cream. Mix the butter and flour together. Whisk the mixture into the soup. Stir constantly until it thickens.
- Season to taste.
- Sprinkle fresh parsley on top.
Sheep Hunting Isn’t Just for the Young
by Glenn Rasmussen
I was 73 years old in 2008. I started hunting sheep in 1973 with a Dall sheep hunt on the North Slope of the Brooks Range in Alaska. I was hooked.
Sheep hunting became a passion. I completed my first grand slam in 1984 after finally biting the bullet and going to Mexico for a Desert ram.
I had three legs of a second grand slam for many years plus an extra Dall, a Stone and a Fannin. I needed another Desert ram and figured I had to get drawn in Nevada or Arizona sometime since I’d been putting in for both since 1975. I just hoped I’d be drawn before I got too old to get the job done.
Well, I finally drew Area 266 in Nevada in 2008. This area lies just south of Hoover Dam. I already knew the area pretty well since my son had been drawn for that area three years previously (after applying for only about five years – the luck of the draw!). A friend and I went there ahead of time and scouted the area for a few days. My son, Eric, flew into Las Vegas on Friday night. We took him out on Saturday and he got a nice ram later that day.
Since we’d gotten my son’s ram without a guide and I already knew the area, I figured I could get my ram without any professional help. Pat Morgan, the same old friend that was along on my son’s hunt and who is also 73 years old, accompanied me on this hunt. We drove for two days from Washington State to Boulder City where we moteled it and ate our meals at a nearby casino.
Much of Area 266 lies in the Lake Mead Recreational Area. ATV’s are prohibited. There are a few roads where vehicles are permitted but they are unbelievably rocky and rough. One three mile stretch took 11⁄2 hours to travel in my pickup. So, virtually all the hunting was done by shanks mare.*
This hunt turned out to be somewhat tougher than my son’s hunt three years earlier. The first day I saw only three sheep – a ewe, a lamb and a young ram and this took a full day of climbing, hiking and glassing. The second day we covered and glassed some miserably rough, rocky but likely looking country and didn’t see any sheep. If I’d killed a ram in some of this steep, rough country we may have had to stay there and eat him for packing him out by two young men much less two old timers would have been extremely difficult.
The third day was more of the same – climbing, hiking and glassing a lot of rocky, rough country. I did see five sheep including a ram that was about three or four years old – legal but not what I’d been waiting for all these years.
The fourth day was luckier than I could have ever imagined. We started out by going to some lower country in the south end of the Area, a place called Lonesome Wash. We spent a few hours glassing it and seeing nothing, traveled back to Boulder City to our motel and sat down and tried to come up with a new plan. We decided to go back down Boy Scout Canyon where Eric had killed his ram three years ago. We’d drive down the bottom of the draw to the wilderness boundary and then walk on down.
It was late morning and we were probably a quarter mile from the wilderness boundary when three rams, two obviously large, good rams and one smaller, ran up the hillside out of the bottom no more than 100 yards away. I immediately stopped the pickup, shut it off, grabbed my rifle from under the back seat and chambered a round. I leaned over the hood and quickly tried to determine the largest ram in my rifle scope. I had to hurry for they were about to top out and go out of sight. The two large rams appeared to be about the same so I picked the one I had the best shot at and killed him. How lucky can you get? I could hardly believe it.
The ram had tipped over backward and slid part way down the slope. I climbed up to him and drug him down to a relatively flat spot for pictures, caping and butchering. This flat spot was no further than 20 yards from where we could drive the pickup. How much better luck could two 73 year old men have?!
So, I’ve completed my second grand slam on North American Wild Sheep. Why not a third? I’ve already got a third Dall and a third Stone and maximum points in Arizona for another Desert and maximum points in Washington for California Bighorn. With some luck in the draw this old man might just get some more sheep hunting done.

How do you measure a trophy: total inches, spread, body size, sweat equity, time afield? How about dreams? This hunt began in my brain some 40 years ago when I first saw a photo of a Marco Polo Argali. Over the years the desire to hunt one of these amazing creatures was rekindled again and again when I’d see photos, read a magazine article, or maybe a hunt on video or TV, but I always assumed it was unreachable for me.
COVID 2020 found me saving money versus spending it on a hunt or two, so one day while talking to my booking agent I made an inquiry about hunting the Marco Polo. The price was crazy expensive for my world, but dreams don’t always come cheap.
I booked the hunt for the first part of December, 2021, but of course nothing would come easy. I made it to San Francisco (SF) no problem, but quickly learned that the flight from SF to Istanbul, Turkey had been delayed 7 hours. There was no way to make the plane from Istanbul to Dushanbe, Tajikistan. There are only two flights to Dushanbe a week so options were limited. I assumed I’d spend 4 days in Istanbul, but after contacting my booking agent (Alexey Budin) he asked if I wanted to hunt Turkey. We’d already discussed this as a later hunt, and it wasn’t practical for my budget, but I went with it.
then drove around to the back side. I was told that a local shepherd had seen a good Bezoar Ibex in the valley, and that they’d actually pre scouted the valley. If you know anything about Ibex then you know that the Bezoar Ibex is iconic for its sheer beauty and horn to body ratio. I’d never seen one in the wild so I asked Sadat to make sure I was told when, and if a good one showed up.
It was warm (mid 50’s) so we assumed nothing would move until the sun got off the hills. We saw some nannies and kids, but no Billie’s for the first couple hours. Then suddenly one of the guides pointed up valley and we all got focused. I had a hard time finding the Billy, which was on a rock out cropping, but once I found him I was blown away. He looked amazing, at least to my amateur eye. He was just under 600 yards and no one was moving. I was told that they expected him to work his way down to the valley bottom and over to the other side where the females were located. And he did, just as expected. We continually lost sight of him as he worked through the heavy brush, but saw just enough to know he was working across the hill side. Eventually he worked out onto a rock ledge and appeared to be looking out over his kingdom. My first shot was an extremely uphill 240 yards, and should have finished the show. Unfortunately, I hit leg, so a tough climb, and a follow up shot was required. Less than 4 hours and I had a great Bezoar Ibex. I scrambled off the hill before it got too dark. The guides built a make shift travois, and worked that Ibex off the steep hill without any issue at all.

Phone calls were made and before long people (game officials and village leaders), were coming from everywhere. I was told that this was an exceptional Ibex for the area, and everyone wanted photos, and to see it. Okay by me. A normal hunt takes 5-7 days so I was fortunate. I still had a couple days so I struck up a deal with the concession owner and Sadat to have Sadat be my tour guide for a couple of days. Good call on my part. After a day in Antalya, we flew back to Istanbul and did the tourist thing there. There is so much history in that part of the world, and so much to see and hear about. Amazing! I even got kicked out of a Muslim mosque. We were taking a look at an iconic mosque when prayer time approached. I guess I looked a little too Anglo American and was asked to leave. The country is about 90 % Muslim, but not all are devout. Even so, mosques are everywhere and prayer chants dominate the land several times a day. One last thought before I move on. The food is crazy good. I’ve attached a couple of iconic photos to show that. The first is of 3 ladies sitting around an outdoor fire and rounded grill. They hand rolled each piece of paper thin bread and then cooked it on the grill. With fresh cheese the hot bread was amazing. The second is of a roll of lamb being cooked. They cut off your lamb to order and along with bread (a staple), vegetables and yogurt you’ll have the best kabobs ever. In Arabic, all grilled meats are called kabobs, so don’t just think skewers. What a great start to the trip, but now for the real hunt.
Finally I got to Dushanbe, Tajikistan. There was nothing easy about getting to the end destination, which is camp. I knew this trip would involve a long drive (17+ hours), but little did I realize how miserable the drive would be. The road itself was built in the Soviet era, but had fallen to disarray over time. Of the 17 hours (broken into 2 days: 12 and 5) about 12 hours were on some of the worst roads I’d ever seen. I felt like a human bobble head. You’d think they’d take care of this road since it’s the main travel route of trade between China and Dushanbe, as well as the main route of heroin trafficking between Afghanistan and Russia, but no. I’d hate to see this road when it was wet or snowy. I suspect landslides are common. For about 8-10 hours only a river separated us from Afghanistan. At first I didn’t pay much attention to small rock walls built in many locations and then I was told that this gives the soldiers something to hide behind if the Taliban decide to take a few shots across the river for fun. Thankfully there were no issues while I was there.
Tajikistan is very dry overall and very mountainous. We eventually climbed and on day two got to our concession and then camp. Camp was about 13,520 feet. We hunted generally between 14,000 and 15,000 feet, but certainly went higher on occasion. It was bitterly cold in the mornings and at night. The coldest registered temp while I was there was -38 C, which is about -36 F. No doubt this is the coldest temps I’ve ever experienced. Day time temps got up to around 0 F, which at that elevation felt warm as long as you had good layers. We had 2-4” of snow, and blue bird skies every day. Perfect hunting conditions.
Generally, when around camp, or walking on flat ground I did fine, but any ascent at all was miserable. I will honestly admit that I flat out suffered. I had some health (stomach and throat) issues while there, but I’m not sure if it was the altitude, the food, or both. Not much to do, but go with it as best you can. To any “would be” Tàjikistan hunters I would recommend talking to your Dr. about altitude medication. There was nothing real special about camp. It was comfortable, but nothing fancy. The food filled you up, but was far from tasty. I’ve been in this general part of the world a few times and the food is never much to talk about. The hunting on the other hand was something to talk about. We’d drive into huge valleys and basins and then glass for sheep in the drainages and on the hill sides. Often you couldn’t really just approach so you
made plans to get above or around as best you could. Though the success rates for good sheep seems to be around 100%, it seldom comes without effort and multiple stalks.
You could see anywhere from a few sheep up to herds of 200 or more sheep. The herd I eventually got my ram from held 150-200 sheep and many shooters. On the first day a hunter from the US got a nice ram in the 57-58” range. This is a big ram and I was impressed, really impressed. Little did I know that what I’d end up with would be beyond just big.
I really didn’t have expectations on this trip. I had no idea what I’d see or what I’d harvest, but I passed on stalking “last day” rams several times the first two days. Generally for me, it’s not about size, it’s about memories. I don’t need a big trophy to have big memories, but this time I got both, who knew?
This country is incredibly big and wide open. There are no trees, and I mean none. Just because you see a sheep doesn’t mean you’ll get on it. We attempted stalks a few times on day two and they just didn’t come together. I was having fun, big fun, expect for when I had no oxygen.
On day 3 we went into a new area, and immediately began seeing sheep. The concession is 219,000 square hectares and goes on forever. Estimates (I don’t know who makes those estimates) are that there are 4,800 sheep in the concession. This day was special in that we were seeing so many sheep. They were everywhere we looked. At one point we were on a high bluff and about 1 1⁄2 miles above a huge flat. The flat was bordered by a rim so we couldn’t see everything. Then a few sheep started to come out and then more and more, well you get it. Before long there were 150-200 sheep out on the flat. We were way too far away to see specifics, but could tell there were lots of rams. The guides said we needed to try and get in front of them. So we drove as far along the bluff as we could and we eventually ran into a rock field. On foot we started to work out into the rock field. We were in front of the sheep, but how far we didn’t know. One of the guides was out in front and he could see more than the rest of us. He signaled that they were coming. We joined him and got next to a big rock that was perfect not only as a blind, but also a great rest for the gun.

Alexey asked me if I saw the two rams together. “No.” There were sheep everywhere and I couldn’t tell where he was looking. Then he said the biggest was alone and asked if I could see that ram. “No.” Again I had no idea where he was looking. I was seeing good rams all over. Eventually we got on the same page and I was looking at the right ram. I was given a distance of 350 yards. When he stopped I took the shot. I saw no reaction, but the ram immediately fell behind the pack. They were sure it was a hit. All the sheep worked out of site and we decided to give them a few hours. A few hours later my ram was found by one of the guides, but was not in a good place for recovery. I wasn’t with him. Remember the issues with terrain and my suffering? Let’s leave it at that. The sheep was recovered the next day. At that point I could see the magnitude of what I had.
A ram over 60” is rare, anything beyond that is really rare. This ram measured at about 64” and has great mass. He is exceptional in the world of sheep hunting. I just know he’s more than I could ever have dreamed of. 40 years of dreams and I’d exceeded every one. Believe me, I know I was lucky, but I’ll take luck. The next day I took a Pamir Ibex, but I won’t take time to get into that here. What a trip. I’m still waiting (6 months and counting) for my US F&W CITES permit, so my ram is not home yet. If anyone is interested in more information on this hunt, or Turkey, I’d be happy to help get you in touch with the right people.